Again and again insurance companies takes a close look at its contractual partners. Conscientious preparation is the A and O for a risk audit, in order to remove stumbling blocks in advance, to have answers to unpleasant questions and to achieve the best possible insurance coverage. With a strong partner at your side, you save time, money and nerves.
For many companies an insurance audit comes too early. Like Christmas, the wife’s birthday or a normal Monday morning. An audit means stress and strain, lots of facts and uncomfortable questions. The background: By risk auditing, the interests of the insurance is in gain. They check the risk situation in respect of claim potential of the insured company. Often enough time, specific branch knowledge and in-depth information of the individual assessed company is missing what leads to inflated requests or uncommon control measures. In worst cases the insurance coverage is endangered.” says Stephan Dorner, Managing Director the risk on mind® GmbH. As an independent risk manager, he prepares many companies for insurance audits every year and accompanies them safely through the multifaceted process on one technical level. Basically, something very essential: “How to prepare for an exam, a lecture or an interview. You also prepare for a dinner or a concert visit to look good and present yourself as well as possible. And when it comes to sport, good warm-up and sustained training are just as indispensable,” gives Stephan Dorner as comparable examples from everyday life.
Balance: companies and insurers at eye level
„We are independent and work in the interests of the insured company. We prepare a company for an insurance audit and ensure the necessary balance in the interest of the insured so that there are no surprises,” emphasizes Stephan Dorner. The reason: “Every insurance contract is a unique product. Every little clause has a special meaning,” says the independent expert.
Combination of inside and outside view as a negotiating advantage
Therefore, the most important thing for him is to know a company that he accompanies. He makes himself a picture of it on site and asks questions from an outside perspective. He also points out important obstacles and prepares the participants for the upcoming audit. “Often, abnormalities can be eliminated quickly and easily.
It is essential to use a uniform, understandable and tangible language for risk communication. The insurance market is currently hardening, and the premiums are rising even without occurred damage. That is why creating risk awareness and understanding of the market is an essential factor,” Stephan Dorner describes some important aspects of the preparation.
A workshop, coaching by the risk on mind® specialists, has proven its worth, so that companies and employees be prepared for an audit. This takes away fears, creates awareness and protects against undesirable situations. „We explain exactly what an insurance audit is, how it works, and which aspects are particularly important for the respective company and which questions are likely or where there may be stumbling blocks,“ explains Stephan Dorner. But Stephan Dorner and his experts do not only focus on preparation: “We won‘t let you jump into the cold water during the review.
We also guide you through the insurance audit, we are a strong and reliable partner and put you in the best possible light when it’s on a knife edge,” says Stephan Dorner.
Did you know ...
... that a prescribed risk audit can also benefit you as a company? - Your insurance cover will be checked. We ensure compliance with that cover and eliminate worries for the event of a claim, which in turn leads to reliable damage coverage.
... that the insurance market currently provides for average premium increases of 20 percent per year. At the same time, the deductible is increased and the willingness to sign risks is reduced. And that regardless of your loss history.
... that on average 60–70 percent of the risks can be eliminated during the preparation process of a company.
risk on mind® GmbH
- independent: We analyze, evaluate and manage your risks independently, for a safe future.
- comprehensive: We bring your individual data together with statistical parameters
and standardized procedures for the best possible mapping of your operational risks. - profitable: Our consulting and our recommendations pay off briefly, for every company.