We keep your company fit - risk management from A to Z from one hand.
Our economy is becoming more and more complex, technical and social challenges bring new risks, and competition is a constant challenge. It is not easy for companies to adapt to ongoing changes, keep up with them while keeping an eye on the wide range of hazards and potential losses, and remain profitable.
We are happy to support and accompany you into a successful and secure future with a holistic and company-wide risk management (Enterprise Risiko Management = ERM) as well as a comprehensive view of your insurable and non-insurable risks, including assessment of the company-specific risk appetite, risk evaluation, management, compliance with all legal requirements, and ongoing monitoring.
Defining the common path to success
The precondition for a successful consulting process is a common goal, a common understanding, a common communication direction and also the precise definition of the project scope. When all stakeholders in the project have the same basis for communication, it strengthens everyone's trust and makes the project's success more transparent.
We rely on the proven risk on mind®-Enterprise Risiko Management Consulting process:
We define project goal, the project scope and the requirements secures together.
We define and analyze your risk potential, determine the risk landscape and implement tailormade analysis to evaluate the risk data.
We assess your operational risks qualitatively and quantitatively.
We design target-oriented Control Measures , check their profitability and make them transparent in an as-if presentation.
We support you during the entire implementation of the defined Control Measures up to control of the results.
We initiate a sustainable monitoring and risk controlling processthat continuously reassesses your risks and responds to them in a cost-effective manner.
We achieve this promising goal by:
- precise definition of the project environment, expectations, goals and results, as well as a "common language" of all those involved in the project
- complete identification of potential hazards, comprehensible and scientific analysis of risk potentials, and software-supported risk data communication (RAT & rismo®)
- Combination of qualitative and quantitative assessment methods (Monte Carlo simulation) to determine probabilities of occurrence, extent of damage and top risks for the respective company
Top risks are greatest leverage
On the basis of a comprehensive risk analysis and assessment, a company can identify its specific top risks, those risks that cause by far the most damage to the business. This enables targeted and effective mitigation in the right places.
At the push of a button, you get meaningful graphical presentation.
We present your risks transparently and clearly using our quantitative risk software RAT. This gives you a quick and up-to-date overview of the current status:
- The heat map shows you your specific qualitative risk assessment at a glance.
- The Lorenz curve makes your quantitative risk assessment clear.
- The bandwidth diagram clearly shows the company's own top risk potentials, including their probability of occurrence and extent bandwidths.
The key is to ensure that the planned control measures are cost-effective and pay off quickly and sustainably for the company.
A quantitative risk calculation is essential in order to transparently compare the risk costs with the control measures and thereby prove profitability on the basis of single and running costs of the control measures.
The golden path: making risks visible and calculable
Our Enterprise Risk Management-Process follows a clear structure and aims to capture all of a company's risks and plan the necessary risk budget in advance.
- The first step of a holistic risk management is to identify all risks, that could harm the business.
- All risks have to be analyzed and divided into groups: Which occur once? Which can occur again? To what extent? Which potential losses are insurable? Which are not?
- Based on the risk analysis, it is important that the hazards are reasonably and cost-effectively steered: Which risks can you eliminate? Which ones can you reduce? Which ones can you transfer? Which costs are incurred as a result? Which insurance options are available for which risks? How high are deductibles? How much "risk appetite" can your company tolerate? What mitigation costs should you expect?
- Check profitability of the planned risk management: How do control measures change the risk costs, insurance premiums and deductibles? - Find the economically optimal solution for your company by modeling all risk costs!
- Set your corporate budget and consider, based on your risk cost calculation, a separate budget for fixed and variable risk costsThis way you are prepared and have the necessary reserves (liquidity) available anytime something happens.
- Review budget costs annually, including the risk budget (Monitoring), to ensure that your operation remains economically successful over the long term.
The path from risk analysis to a balanced company-specific risk budget offers many possibilities and options.
We are happy to accompany you from A to Z in the risk management process. Modeling of variations, control options and mitigation costs is essential to make the great potential of the risk budget visible. - With a company-specific enterprise risk management you can only win!